Welfare Rules Create Poverty Trap

A report by the National Council of Welfare reveals that tough welfare rules are forcing families and individuals into utter destitution. Rules that require people to sell their homes and spend all of their savings before receiving assistance have created a poverty trap. Read more in the Toronto Star.

Electoral Map to Favour Rural Communities

Parliament is in the process of drawing up a new electoral map, but a bill that would have awarded more seats to Ontario, Alberta and BC is being shelved. The original decision to give these provinces more seats was based on recent census numbers that showed large population increases in urban and suburban areas. Pressure from Quebec and the Atlantic provinces seems to be behind the decision to shelve the bill. Read the article in the Globe and Mail.

Will Offering Choice Save Our Schools?

Vancouver Sun journalist Peter McMartin suggests that following the Edmonton model of diversifying schools and offering more choice may help save Vancouver’s public schools. Read the article in the Vancouver Sun