Exclusive limited time offer: On-demand course on pronouns and inclusive language

May 1, 2018

As a forward-thinking leader, you know that inclusive language is one of the most powerful ways to break down barriers to inclusion and to build sustainable and inclusive communities. Being current with pronouns and knowing inclusive greetings and phrases is important for locally-elected community leaders.

We’re happy to offer a unique on-demand course on Pronouns and Inclusive Language that will help keep your communications on track.

This two-hour, two-credit course was co-written by Tracy Humphreys, who joined us at 2018 High Ground for a workshop on Serving Students With Special Needs – Closing the Equity Gap and who works with CareQuadrant, the course host. 


Just enter HighGround18, and you’ll receive a special rate
of $60 (40% off the regular price) available until May 31.

The certified course is pre-approved by law societies and counselling organizations and offers continuing professional development credits through other professional organizations. You can study anytime from anywhere with Internet access. It’s a great opportunity!

Try an activity

To give you a taste of what the course offers, here’s a fun exercise. Download Worksheet – Mapping Cultural Groups In Your Community

Let us know if you have any questions!

Here’s what we’ve heard about the course:

“The Pronouns and Inclusive Language course from CareQuadrant is not only comprehensive and easy to follow, it also provides great current examples to wrap your head around how to use inclusive language every day. Take your knowledge and understanding of inclusive language to the next level with this course. As someone who thought they were already knowledgeable and expressive using inclusive language, I still had more takeaways from this course. You don’t know what you don’t know!”
Cindy Dalglish, Trustee Candidate, Surrey School District