Community Earth Councils Website

July 2, 2009




Community Earth Councils (CECs) are groups of elders (50+) and youth (16-28) working together toPhoto By Robb Long address global environmental and social challenges at the local level. CECs build community, helping young people find meaning and purpose while providing elders with a way to give back, inspire, and impact the future. Participants in a CEC explore how, together, they can bring vision into action.

First, however, they spend time getting to know each other, sharing their stories, hopes, and aspirations. They then explore possible projects for addressing a community need, possibly by partnering with other individuals and/or organizations. After a period of planning, they move to implementation, working shoulder to shoulder.

As they collaborate in service, elders and youth develop a strong appreciation for the gifts that each one brings. They engage in mutual mentoring, fostering individual growth and weaving a strong social fabric. Over time, a CEC may take on many projects for the common good, helping to improve the social and environmental wellbeing of their communities. But the benefits to members are no less significant. Along with the deep sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes from helping others, both youth and elders experience the warmth, energy, and joy of the community they’ve created.

Join an Earth Council today!