Green Jobs: Making Green Jobs Happen

November 10, 2009

Forum Keynote: Robert Pollin

Robert Pollin is the founding Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and one of the leading researchers on green jobs in North America. He co-authored the reports “Job Opportunities for the Green Economy” (June 2008) and “Green Recovery” (September 2008) which explore the broader economic benefits of large-scale investments in a clean-energy economy in the U.S. He is also the author of “Building the Green Economy: Employment Effects of Green Energy Investments for Ontario.”

Speakers and Workshop – Download PowerPoint presentations


12:00 p.m. Registration and Refreshments

1:00 p.m. Keynote Address: Robert Pollin, Political Economy Research Institute

2:00 p.m. Workshops

  • Municipal Financing for Green Retrofits
  • Green Schools
  • Creating Green Jobs Strategies for Ontario

4:00 p.m. Closing Address: Michael Peck, Gamesa: ‘Converting Idle Factories to Successful Green Industries’


Municipal Financing for Green Retrofits
Learn how municipalities can promote and finance green energy projects and energy efficiency retrofits for homes and make money at the same time, with
•    Steve Bellone, Supervisor, Town of Babylon – creator of a successful, large scale, municipally funded energy efficiency retrofit program in New York.
•    Kelley McKanna, Project Manager, Renewable Funding – pioneers in the municipally led, municipally financed home-based renewable energy installation
•    Emmaia Gelman, Policy Director, Center for Working Families – led campaign to win $100,000,000 in funding for energy efficient retrofits for the state of New York

Green Schools
Schools can be leaders in green energy and in the learning that supports it. Hear about how schools across the country are showing the way forward, with
•    Patrick Robertson, West Vancouver School District – created a comprehensive Sustainability Action Plan for the district, reducing carbon and saving money
•    Karen Maxwell, Director, Capital Policy Branch, Ministry of Education – administering $550 million in funds for greening Ontario schools

Creating Green Jobs Strategies for Ontario
Strategies to move communities into a green economic future are being created by leaders from all sectors. Learn about the latest strategies for green jobs, with.
•    David Thompson, David Thompson Research – author of Alberta Green Jobs Strategy
•    Sarah Winterton, Education and Outreach Director, Blue Green Canada/ Environmental Defence – outlining Blue Green Canada’s green jobs plan

Closing Address: Michael Peck, Gamesa

Michael Peck, the architect of the Gamesa project that turned abandoned steel mills into working windmill factories in the US, has shown how fresh thinking and new partnerships can create thousands of green jobs. Michael’s efforts to build similar partnerships that contribute to developing the wind power industry in Ontario point to exciting opportunities in the future. Michael is also a leader in the national green jobs movement.

More information?  Tel: 416.531.7265     Fax: 416.531.7210