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Surrey’s Living Books program will lend local experts

…available on loan for ½ hour to 45 minute conversations. The program is about sharing information and experience, and building community amongst Surrey’s diverse populations. Read more at Good Culture….

Multi-Material BC and Local Governments: Will the New Industry-run Recycling System Cause Backsliding?

…pressure on the producers to encourage better recovery rates and lower volumes of printed paper and packaging. These concerns have been compounded by the short timeframe municipalities have been given…

The 2011 Most Sustainable Cities in Canada

The most recent Corporate Knights Sustainable Cities ranking gave top marks to Vancouver, Victoria and Toronto for their commitments to ecological integrity, economic security, infrastructure and built environment, governance and…

Infrastructure Stimulus Fund In Ontario

The Ontario Infrastrucure Fund aims to accelerate infrastructure investments to foster a competitive environment which attracts businesses and creates employment opportunities. Projects are jointly funded by the federal and Ontario…

Rising oceans wash away coastlines as debate rages – to fight or flee

…from the relentless sea. Places experimenting with retreat have adopted various strategies including breaching seawalls to create salt marshes and moving entire villages to higher ground. Read more at

Free energy efficiency assessments

Help your communities with meeting your Bill 27 targets with free energy efficiency assessments offered by  LiveSmart BC.  Just click on the map here  to find the Business Energy Advisors…

What’s the Big Deal About CETA?

Canada-Europe Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is generating serious questions and concerns from local governments across Canada.  Municipalities, local government associations and school boards have passed resolutions expressing…

Income inequality in Canada rising faster than in the US

…question about fairness and can contribute to social tensions. In Canada, the gap between the rich and poor has widened over two decades, especially compared to our peer countries.”  Read…

A Day in the Life of Our Taxes

Public health care, garbage pick up, safe food, clean water, public parks, emergency services, higher learning, the chance to live in great communities with the hope of reaching our personal…

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will finalize its Fifth Assessment Report on Climate Change (AR5) in September 2014. Compared to previous reports, AR5 will put more emphasis on…

New Report shows that Farmers’ Markets Contribute $3.09 Billion to Canadian Economy.

A report commissioned in 2008 by FMC (Farmers’ Market Canada ) has found that farmers’ markets have an economic impact of $3.09 billion dollars annually on the Canadian economy. The…

BC’s Chief Atahm Elementary School provides immersion in First Nations language and culture

…elders and parents has created a generation of children connected to their culture and community, and will hopefully halt the decline of the Secwepemctsin language. Read more in the Tyee. …