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Vancouver Endorses the Vienna Declaration

Following on the heels of Toronto, Vancouver has officially endorsed the Vienna Declaration. The Vienna Declaration encourages governments to use scientific, evidence-based research when developing drug policy, rather than dealing…

Growing Canada’s Economy While Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

…Canada can still expect economic growth of 20% over the next decade.The report is based on research by M.K. Jaccard and Associates using an economic model that has been widely…

Success stories

…Award has assisted me to change professions and follow my dream of becoming a Registered Nurse. My interests lie in community health and acute care nursing, and I hope to…

McGann Bursary

…considers community service. How to apply: Email us your completed application form with with “McGann Bursary” in the subject line. Download application form Deadline: August 1 Applications are now open….

Municipalities and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) 101

The Centre for Civic Governance has been tracking developments in the Canadian European Comprehensive Trade Agreement and in particular potential impacts on municipalities. Our latest Trade and Policy Update provides…

Indicators of Well-Being in Canada

…an overview section highlighting the most important trends and statistics as well as a complete listing of all the statistics in a downloadable format. Check out the website here.  …

Latest Blogs

Success of school food program exceeds expectations

…are seeing some dramatic changes. Though the Toronto School Board has done preliminary research through student surveys, more research is needed so that programs like “Feeding Our Future” will have…

Radio Ecoshock

Radio Ecoshock, a Vancouver-based show on co-op radio, has a website which is a compilation of talks by experts on a huge range of topics. Experts include James Howard Kunstler,…

This Green House II: A New Way to Fund Climate Action

…legislation to allow local governments to use this innovative retrofit financing mechanism and communities in those Provinces are stepping up to the plate. Beyond climate action, scaling up retrofits has…

2016 High Ground: Tools for Engaged Leaders

Our 2016 civic governance forum was held in Harrison Hot Springs from April 1-2….

2017 High Ground: Leadership in Transitioning Times

We held our 2017 civic governance forum from March 31 to April 1 in Vancouver, BC. To view presentation slide decks from the event, please email us at….