Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Resolution – CETA – September 2010
February 21, 2011September 2010, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) pass a resolution calling on the federal government to respect municipal autonomy in trade negotiations with the European Union.
WHEREAS The Government of Canada has entered into negotiations with the European Union for an EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement; and
WHEREAS The Government of Canada and the European Union have developed a mandate to seek an ambitious agreement that would negotiate a wide range of areas, included central and sub-central government procurement; and
WHEREAS Provinces and Territories are responsible for implementing any treaty obligations resulting from such trade negotiations; and
WHEREAS municipal governments have expressed an interest in local sustainable economic development which can be impacted by a Canada European Trade Agreement that could reduce or eliminate the right to specify local priorities when public money is invested in goods, services or capital projects; therefore, be it
RESOLVED That the Federation of Canadian Municipalities encourage the Government of Canada to inform municipalities of those aspects of the Trade Negotiations which may affect municipal government procurement and, further, to protect the right of municipalities to specify local priorities in purchasing decisions, be it further
RESOLVED That FCM call on the Government of Canada to adopt a negotiating position that supports reciprocity in Canadian and European Union municipal procurement practices.