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Getting the Majority to Vote: Practical Solutions to Re-engage Citizens in Local Elections

…are seeing many municipal elections in which only 20 to 30 per cent of people go out to vote. What is happening in communities where 70 to 80 per cent…

Attacking the Clean Power Plan

companies need to establish clear and effective oversight and review of their trade association memberships to identify substantial policy misalignments which could result in regulatory, operational and reputational risks for…

TWU, USW Local 1944 Scholarship

…of active union members graduating from high school. This scholarship considers leadership values and labour knowledge. Applicants must include a completed application form, an updated transcript and a letter of…

Exclusive limited time offer: On-demand course on pronouns and inclusive language

As a forward-thinking leader, you know that inclusive language is one of the most powerful ways to break down barriers to inclusion and to build sustainable and inclusive communities. Being…

What We Do

The Columbia Institute is a public policy think tank with a mission to foster and support leadership for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable communities. We believe that communities who value social…

B.C. First Nation unveils solar power project

The T’Sou-ke First Nation in Sooke has become the largest solar energy producing community in B.C. Solar energy will power a large portion of the community’s infrastructure and provide hot…

Vancouver plans for more mid-rise development

Many of Vancouver’s transit corridors are comprised of single family dwellings and low rise apartments, but as the city plans for population increases it is looking at mid-rise developments as…

New Solutions: Hub Schools

…a community hub by night. Schools throughout the Metro Vancouver region are now offering ESL classes, art and sports programs plus community services. Read the full story in The Tyee. …

How one BC municipality is getting people to actually read public notices

…amendments so residents can more easily understand them, and respond.  “We’ve received a lot of feedback from different community groups with compliments saying how they feel that we’re doing a…

CCPA-NS releases first ever Alternative Municipal Budget

…budget cycle.  The Alternative Budget contains 65 action items and their estimated costs. It includes strategic investments in community centres and recreation programs, in early learning, in food security, in…

Food Security for All

Toronto’s “The Stop” is not a typical foodbank. In addition to giving groceries, it also provides meals prepared from local foods, a community garden for patrons, and important community connections….

Nanaimo’s willingness to vote in civic elections has been waning each year

” low voter turnout in municipal elections means that only a small proportion of community members are choosing the path for the entire community.” – Charley Beresford Occupy the Ballot…