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“Generation Queer” – a resource for educators

Generation Queer, Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Canadian Schools, provides an overview of LGBTQ youth-related research, a current picture of homophobia in Canadian schools and ideas  for helping to…

Housing & Supports for Adults with Mental Illness and/or Addictions

A report released in 2008 by the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) and SFU shows that homelessness among adults with severe addictions and/or mental health…

Reconciliation and Responsible Investment

The Columbia Institute currently supports a joint “Reconciliation and Responsible Investment” project organized by our long-time partner, the Shareholder Association of Research and Education (SHARE) with the National Aboriginal Trust Officers…

Buying Local: Tools for Forward-Thinking Institutions

…potential. Around the world, there is a growing movement to support local economies, and various approaches are being taken in different places. Great benefits come from strong, resilient local economies,…

East Beats West: Nonprofit Childcare Superior to Commercial Sector

The Frontier Centre has recently raved about the values of Alberta’s primarily commercial-based childcare system, while contrasting it against Manitoba’s and Saskatchewan’s not-for-profit systems. Some have criticized this judgement, arguing…

E-newsletter (July 2024)

JUST IN: Our latest Briefing Notes includes stories on voters backing populist parties, cashless societies, B.C.’s tax system, climate change education, and more. Read full briefing notes…

Digging for victory: Britain’s food revolution

…food production by 70% by 2050. This new commitment to self-sufficiency raises questions from environmental groups, who fear that unsustainable rates of agricultural intensification will harm wildlife and deplete natural…

TILMA and Boards of Education

…number of important questions including: How will the TILMA’s purchasing thresholds affect boards of education? What will the costs of using electronic tendering systems be? Will boards still be able…

P3s Just Put the Bill in Another Pocket

This is a great article by Craig McInnes of the Vancouver Sun. In it, he questions the veracity of claims that provincial public debt has been reduced. In reality it…

Government collects carbon offset surplus from public institutions

…of purchasing offsets from the PCT is $25 per tonne of offsets. It is suspected that the PCT only pays $5.70 per tonne of offsets. Questions are arising as to…

CRD bans biosolids from farmland

Applying biosolids (treated sewage) to farmland as a fertilizer is a common, but controversial practice that has resulted in some very toxic fields. Although it is banned in some countries,…

Vancouver Becomes Canada’s First Fair Trade City

…in use, this move further establishes the city’s commitment to buying products that were made with fair and sustainable labour practices. Read the full story in the Vancouver Observer.   …