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Wild weather hammers home case for green jobs

…buildings accounted for 28 per cent of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions from energy use. Our research shows that modest investments in energy conservation in homes can save Canadian homeowners thousands…

2012 Living Wage for Metro Vancouver calculated at $19.14/hour

for Families. Download Working for a Living Wage 2012: Making Paid Work Meet Basic Family Needs in Metro Vancouver at the CCPA ( Centre for Canadian Policy Alternatives ) website….

Distribution of Bibles at local schools comes to an end

For 60 years Gideon Bibles have been distributed to grade 5 students Owen Sound Ontario, but an 8-3 vote by local trustees is bringing the practice to an end. The…

Meteorologists Name Humans ‘Dominant’ Cause Of Climate Change

The American Meterological Society released its official statement on climate change, claiming the dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities. This scientific finding is based on a large…

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BC Government Penalizing Disabled People with IQ Above 70

…excellent opinion piece on the issue in the Vancouver Sun. Check out the BC Association for Community Living’s website, which boasts a comprehensive list of recent articles about this issue….

Commuting Patterns in Canada

…lowest percentage of car commuters (71.7% for Victoria, 74% for Vancouver) and Abbotsford has the highest percentage of car commuters than any other CMA at 93%. Read more statistics here….

Eco-Village Tour of Craik, Saskatchewan & Youth Engagement Workshop

…on Youth Engagement. Eco-Village Tour of Craik, Saskatchewan Craik Saskatchewan is one of Canada’s leaders in sustainability. The small town boasts an Eco-Village, an Eco-Centre, a community-wide composting and recycling…

What’s the Big Deal About CETA?

Canada-Europe Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is generating serious questions and concerns from local governments across Canada.  Municipalities, local government associations and school boards have passed resolutions expressing…

CIEL Community Sustainability Matrix

Communities Matrix is a free one page graphic representation of four phases of community development. It has been used on every continent (except Antarctica) as a starting place in communities….

How urban design affects our health

Research from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) has found that people in more walkable cities are more likely to be healthy. The research involved studies in 11 countries, and recommends…

Municipal resources for healthy cities during extreme-heat events

…BC health authorities and emergency preparedness organizations exploring challenges and priorities are in planning for extreme heat. Links to and comparison of extreme heat response planning documents from BC municipalities,…