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Tories cut funding for library Internet access

The federal government is cutting funding to Industry Canada’s “Community Access Program”, which helps hundreds of community groups and hospitals provide free internet access. Rural areas will be the most…

Resources, Rights and Respect: Investor Expectations of the Human Rights Responsibilities of Mining Companies

…organisations, academics and communities.   This report presents SHaRE’s analysis of the current and emerging international human rights standards for the mining sector. It details how mining companies should demonstrate their commitment…

Back in House Workbook

…a practical guide to helping communities identify the outsourced work and services that can and should be brought back in house. Download the report, “Back in House: Why Local Governments…

When communicating climate change, beware the “boomerang effect”

…fact, when Republicans were asked to support climate change initiatives based on disasters happening in distant places they were found to be more steadfast in their refusal to participate. This…

Electoral Map to Favour Rural Communities

…original decision to give these provinces more seats was based on recent census numbers that showed large population increases in urban and suburban areas. Pressure from Quebec and the Atlantic…

Province-wide cosmetic pesticide ban may come to BC

…moment of agreement, it looks as though the Liberals are on side. Read more at the CBC. To find out more about pesticide bylaws and bans, visit Pesticide Free BC. …

Surrey’s Living Books program will lend local experts

Innovation in Surrey abounds! The soon to open City Centre Library will have an innovative  program that enlists local residents, who are experts in various capacities, to be available on…

BC communities make room for solar power

Last month, thirty-six BC communities adopted a policy requiring all new homes to be solar ready, meaning they will be built with space to accommodate a solar hot water heating…

A Living Wage For My Community

Sam Magavern, a volunteer attorney for the City of Buffalo Living Wage Commission will be joining Hamilton Wentworth school board Trustee Alex Johnstone  and Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction Director…

Edmonton forms strategy to reduce violence

The City of Edmonton is partnering with REACH, a community-based organization focused on safety, to reduce violent crime. The focus will be on providing 24/7 social services to at risk…

What you need to know about child labour in BC

…those under eighteen. Clearly, BC is not in compliance with this commitment that was enacted in June 2017. British Columbians support better protection for children and youth. In our poll…

In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars

…suburbanites and cars will drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat global warming. Planners in California are currently looking to develop a car-reduced community on the outskirts of Oakland.