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Ten Ways to Make BC a Model for Urban Farming

The latest idea in urban agriculture is vertical farming, where high-rise buildings are used to grow crops without natural ecological processes. This idea is met with harsh criticism however, and

How one New York bike lane could affect the future of cycling worldwide

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan established new bike lanes as part of PlaNYC, NYC’s blueprint for a sustainable city. A lawsuit recently filed against the…


…change science. The site has an extensive database of information on high profile climate change skeptics and contains the latest news on climate change action and the consequences of inaction….

Fracking – a likely source of groundwater contamination

After complaints about the water started to flood in from residents of Pavilion, Wyoming, the EPA decided to do some testing. Results showed “that ground water in the Pavilion aquifer…

Finland’s education system values equality over excellence

…on international education tests. In fact, Finish scores are typically at the top of the list. There are no private schools in Finland, nor is there competition between schools for

Magnetized monorail proposed for Kelowna

Kelowna resident Dave Straley has pitched the idea of a minimalistic magnetized monorail to city council, claiming it will help ease commuter congestion. The proposed monorail builds upon existing magnetic…

Ontario’s water quality improving since pesticide ban

…since then concentration levels of 2,4-D, one of the most common pesticides on the market, have dropped by as much as 97% in tested streams. Read more at the CBC….

In Metro Vancouver, a reinterpretation of census data reveals the suburbs are not “booming”

Reporter Frances Bula has taken a closer look at recent census data which appears to suggest that Surrey is the fastest growing suburb in Metro Vancouver. Bula argues that when…

Toronto seeks exemption from CETA agreement

Toronto is the latest municipality to seek an exemption from the CETA agreement. At issue is the likely loss of local procurement policies. Most governments in Canada, at all three…

Rio+20 Earth Summit

…20 years after the first UN sanctioned gathering focussed on sustainable development. Check out our new briefing note “Rio +20 – Why it matters for local governments.” Publication Download: RIO+20.pdf…

Back in House: Why Local Governments are Bringing Services Home

…takeover saving thousands, Sooke district staff says,” Sooke News Mirror, September 16, 2016. Download the Back in House Workbook, a practical guide on how to bring those services back home….

Toronto’s chief medical officer recommends lowering speed limits to save lives

…are less likely to be killed for very 10km reduction below 60k/h. Read more in the Toronto Star.   Download report Road to Health: Improving Walking and Cycling in Toronto….