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Dynamic Downtowns: Using Heritage to Build Strong, Vibrant Downtowns

…represent examples of how some BC communities are incorporating heritage buildings into their downtown revitalization. The “Tools in the Toolkit” and “Checklist for Communities” sections bring together an approach for

Cornell Study Asseses Adverse Effects of Poverty-Induced Physiological Stress on Brain Development

Scientific research suggests that socioeconomic status affects cognitive development and performance in children. Poverty causes social and biological stress that may affect the brain, causing low academic performance among children…

“More shortfalls than ever” in the public education system

Why are school districts cutting staff and laying off teachers? A new research report, finds growing evidence that the funding formula does not cover the costs of public education, can…

How Green School Buildings Help Children Grow

New research is showing that BC’s shift towards green schools may be producing healthier, more productive, and more environmentally aware students. Canadian and American studies have shown that the improved…

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Recent decline in health of the Great Lakes is an outcome of climate change, says Gore

Using well documented research to back up his claim, Al Gore is noting the direct link between the large algae blooms and low water levels of the Great Lakes as…

Prominent climate change denier now admits he was wrong

…the very existence of global warming. Last year, following an intensive research effort involving a dozen scientists, I concluded that global warming was real and that the prior estimates of the…

Climate change deniers fear a green agenda will end capitalism

…on climate change has little to do with scientific research showing that climate change is not happening, or is happening, but not in any significant way, or is happening and

Majority of Canadians Believe Governmnet Should Act to Reduce Poverty Levels in Canada

According to a recent poll conducted by Environics Research for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ( CCPA), an overwhelming majority of Canadians believe action should be taken by all…

Afloat in the Ocean, Expanding Islands of Trash

…products transfer toxins to their own tissues, which accumulate over time. Recent research suggests that the amount of plastic in these gyres is increasing, and the ocean is becoming more…

A Tale of Two Cities: Public Participation Processes in Banff & Calgary

This policy brief, by Christopher J. Bruce of the Institute for Advanced Policy Research at the University of Calgary, analyses two public involvement processes in Alberta, imagine Calgary (2006) and

Letter to the Editor: CETA will rob cities of vital tools

…Trade Agreement) on Canadian municipalities. Drawing from detailed research on the trade agreement, including a paper published by the Columbia Institute, Councillor Wong-Tam argues that vital tools to stimulate local…