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CCPA study on transportation and communities

Transportation Transformation lays out a 30 year plan for transportation in BC and shows how the movement of goods, services and people can transform the way we live, creating jobs…

Governments should consider “fiscal blowback” before they commit to outsourcing jobs

…staff and a whole host of problems including unforeseen fiscal costs :”the costs of tendering, supervision and compliance; severance costs for displaced workers; profit margins captured by suppliers; and the…

2017 Columbia Institute and Tyee Gala: Stories to be heard, not yet told

…2017, at the Creekside Community Centre, the evening event included an Ethiopian buffet dinner, a silent auction, and mingling with friends, who care about the communities we live in. View…

Urban Farms Herald Green City ‘Revolution’

As urban populations grow at a rapid rate, communities around the world are turning to city agriculture to produce cheap, locally grown produce. City farms provide nutritional benefits and bring…

What We Do

The Columbia Institute is a public policy think tank with a mission to foster and support leadership for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable communities. We believe that communities who value social…

B.C. First Nation unveils solar power project

The T’Sou-ke First Nation in Sooke has become the largest solar energy producing community in B.C. Solar energy will power a large portion of the community’s infrastructure and provide hot…

Vancouver plans for more mid-rise development

Many of Vancouver’s transit corridors are comprised of single family dwellings and low rise apartments, but as the city plans for population increases it is looking at mid-rise developments as…

New Solutions: Hub Schools

…a community hub by night. Schools throughout the Metro Vancouver region are now offering ESL classes, art and sports programs plus community services. Read the full story in The Tyee. …

How one BC municipality is getting people to actually read public notices

…amendments so residents can more easily understand them, and respond.  “We’ve received a lot of feedback from different community groups with compliments saying how they feel that we’re doing a…

CCPA-NS releases first ever Alternative Municipal Budget

…budget cycle.  The Alternative Budget contains 65 action items and their estimated costs. It includes strategic investments in community centres and recreation programs, in early learning, in food security, in…

Food Security for All

Toronto’s “The Stop” is not a typical foodbank. In addition to giving groceries, it also provides meals prepared from local foods, a community garden for patrons, and important community connections….

Nanaimo’s willingness to vote in civic elections has been waning each year

” low voter turnout in municipal elections means that only a small proportion of community members are choosing the path for the entire community.” – Charley Beresford Occupy the Ballot…