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Good Jobs, Clean Skies: Economic Growth and Greenhouse Gas Reduction in the Mayors’ Council Transit Plan

Good Jobs, Clean Skies, a co-publication of Green Jobs BC and Blue Green Canada, finds that the Metro Vancouver Mayors’ Council Transit and Transportation Plan will generate thousands of jobs,…

2013 Civic Governance Forum: Deepening Democracy

The 2013 Civic Governance Forum took place in Harrison Hot Springs from March 22-23….

2014 Civic Governance Forum: Food for Thought

The 2014 Civic Governance Forum took place at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel in Vancouver from April 4-5.

Placemaking: Cool Ideas for Locally Elected Leaders

…Claire Beckstead: Municipal Financing for Energy Efficiency Ken Melamed: Competence or Knowledge with audio! Grant Pearsell: Four Strategies for Achieving Biodiversity Barinder Rasode: Child Focused Communities Full Program Presenter Bios…

Whistler passes motion opposing Northern Gateway pipeline

…that environmental disasters on our coasts would significantly damage us and our community.“ Read more in the Question. Motion proposed by Councillor Jack Crompton: Whereas Whistler is a community dependant…

An Evening of Celebration: Fundraising Dinner

commitment to nurturing leadership of sustainable, equitable, and inclusive communities across Canada. Held at Heritage Hall in Vancouver, the event included a delicious buffet dinner, cash bar, silent auction, raffle,…

Push continues for a living wage in Hamilton

Jim Stanford, well-known CAW economist and media commentator was the key note speaker at the Centre for Civic Governance’s Sharing of Good Ideas forum held in Hamilton recently. He spoke…

The Nature of Leadership: Ideas for Building Inclusive, Sustainable Communities

“The Nature of Leadership” is the third volume in the Innovative Strategies Leadership Series for locally elected leaders. Inspired by conversations at our Centre for Civic Governance forums, this handbook…

European Cities Commit to More Cycling

The motorization of urban environments has exacerbated road congestion, pollution, and health and safety risks. Members of the European Cyclists’ Federation are adament that this trend can be reversed, and

Shaping the Future of our Communities Agenda

Agenda Friday, October 12, 2012 1:00 pm     Registration 2:00 pm Welcome Plenary 2:15 pm Workshops 3:30 pm  Break 3:45 pm Workshops 5:00 pm Friday workshops end 6:00 pm…

More Communities to Adopt Living Wage

Esquimalt is very likely to pass living wage legislation in the very near future. Although some Victoria-area politicians are nervous about the idea, it seems most agree a living wage…

Toronto’s Library Committee has voted no to closing branches

computers from all libraries, charging for library cards and closing 38 of Toronto’s libraries. For now the board has voted against closures. They have yet to determine what budget cutting…