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Home CETA: A hot topic at gathering of municipal leaders

…The Centre for Civic Governance comissioned  a briefing from the CCPA’s Scott Sinclair on municipal procurement. It was presented at a dialogue session held during FCM. “Municipal leaders at the…

Back in House Workbook

Commissioned by CUPE Alberta and prepared by Gaetan Royer with Charley Beresford and Keith Reynolds in 2018, the Back in House Workbook, Why Local Governments are Bringing Services Home provides…

Vancouver 2020: A Bright Green Future

community that unites short and long term economic, social and environmental well-being, thereby enhancing the quality of life for current and future citizens. The report, which was written by the…

Most of Us Public Engagement Campaign

…a communication platform for voices to create healthier and more representative conversations. The “Most of Us” campaign is part of the Ivey Foundation’s nationwide initiative called “The Climate Change Communications…

Emissions from Canada’s oil sands make greenhouse gas reduction targets impossible

When Canada ratified the Kyoto agreement in 2002, the country committed itself to lowering emissions to 1990 levels by 2012. That commitment was eroded by the Harper Conservatives in Copenhagen…

Norwood adds its name to growing list of municipalities calling for an exemption from CETA

Norwood Ontario has passed a resolution calling on the provinces and the federal government “to negotiate a clear, permanent exemption for local governments” from the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and…

BC’s school libraries are most affected by chronic underfunding

…in poorer communities suffer most when budget cuts are made. In Vancouver and Burnaby school board chairs, Patty Bacchus and Larry Hayes are challenging new Premier Christy Clark to put…

Transferring of gas tax to municipalties would improve transit and ease congestion

…Area alone costs the economy $3.3-billion in lost productivity.” Improvements to public transit would improve commuting times and create happier and healthier communities. Read editorial in the Globe and Mail. …

Canada EU Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will jeopardize municipal water services and local procurement policies

companies could no longer be favoured in the bidding process by their investment in the local community. So far, many municipalities seem to be unaware of the consequences of this…

Edmonton may incorporate food security into neighbourhood planning

The City of Edmonton is looking at incorporating lands reserved for agriculture, as well as community and backyard food gardens, into its city planning. A huge demand for local produce…

Federal Government Cutting Back Mandatory Census Collection

community groups, and those who conduct research and develop policy say that this move will seriously harm the quality of their work. Census information is widely used to establish the…

Fundraising fever – private money for Ontario public schools widens education gap

…cent of fundraising schools bringing in the same amount of money as the bottom 75 per cent combined, reliance on fundraising dollars as a core component of education funding further…