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Municipalities stake a claim for more balanced mining rules in BC

“free entry” model, essentially a ‘first-come first-served’ system that gives legal entitlements to mining companies that override other land uses and even take precedence over other economic sectors, such as…

Providing free food to students improves scores, reduces tardiness and boosts overall well-being

Despite the overwhelming evidence that shows that providing free healthy food to students results in an immediate jump in test scores alongside improved behaviour and reduced tardiness ,there is still…

COVID-19: Measures municipalities are taking to move forward

Prepared by Thea Sample with Aidan Shirley. As we navigate through these uncertain times, the Columbia Institute remains committed to providing resources and information for good civic governance. We encourage…

Affordable Housing: A Smart Growth Toolkit for Municipalities

…BC looks at eight tools and strategies local governments can use to deliver market and non-market affordable housing in their communities. It also features examples of best practices across BC….

It’s Budget Time!

A free, engaging webinar on school board budgeting for School Board trustees across the province. This interactive workshop will provide an overview on how to read budgets as political documents and

E-newsletter (April 2023)

This edition of ‘Briefing Notes’ features international stories from the past two months (March & April), offering some wise practices and lessons learned on the climate crisis (and swimming pools!),…

More local governments considering divesting from fossil fuels

More and more local governments and education institutions are facing questions about the impacts of climate change, and the risk of having money invested in fossil fuel companies. Mike McGinn,…

Shaping the Future of our Communities

…here to download a Registration Form, or Register online at the link below. If you have questions, contact Ontario Director Stephanie Levesque at or by telephone at (647) 449-3519….

Collaborating on Carbon Commitments – A Training Ground for Gaining Ground

…collaboration with the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics. Date: Oct 20-22, 2009 Location: Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC Web site: Email: Tel: 250-858-4600…

Carbon Disclosure Project

…help them voluntarily report GHG emissions and other climate data. The cities will use ICLEI’s Local Government Operations Protocol and software tools to assess their GHG emissions from fire, ambulance,…

Supreme Court rules safe injection site can stay open

…years of operation,” – Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin.  The ruling will make it easier for other cities to now open their own safe injection sites. Read more at the CBC….

The hottest 13 years on record have all taken place within the past 15 years

The hottest 13 years on record have taken place within the past 15 years. Within that time period the amount and severity of extreme weather events has increased dramatically. But,…