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High Ground 2023: Home

SAVE THE DATE: High Ground 2024 will be held at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel in Vancouver, B.C. from Friday, March 22 to Saturday, March 23, 2024!  High Ground 2023…

ReThink London Engages Community

Citizens are encouraged to take advantage of the City of London’s efforts to gather input when it comes to creating a vision for London’s future through the ReThink London project.  The…

The Green Resilience Project: Conversations on climate change, income security and community resilience

…conversations exploring and documenting the links between community resilience, income security and the shift to a low-carbon economy. Read the Columbia Institute’s Community Summary Report for BC, primarily the Lower…

Manitoba municipalities call on parties to “Put Communities First”

So far, 91 Manitoba municipalities have passed resolutions calling on provincial political parties to commit, if elected, a portion of the tax revenue the Manitoba government collects in communities to…

Our Common Future

The Brundtland Commission and UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) wrote the report Our Common Future in 1987 to emphasize the importance of sustainable development for social, economic,…

CIEL Community Sustainability Matrix

Communities Matrix is a free one page graphic representation of four phases of community development. It has been used on every continent (except Antarctica) as a starting place in communities….

Commuting Patterns in Canada

…lowest percentage of car commuters (71.7% for Victoria, 74% for Vancouver) and Abbotsford has the highest percentage of car commuters than any other CMA at 93%. Read more statistics here….

Is Your Community COOL?

COOL 2012 is a nation-wide initiative aimed at educating North Americans on the importance of getting compostable products out of landfills. It is an education campaign comprised of tools, materials…

The Sharing of Good Ideas Speakers

…Living Wage community’, reforming provincial social assistance and shifting public attitudes about the costs of poverty in our community. Alex Johnstone: Alex Johnstone is a public school board trustee with the…

Eco-Village Tour of Craik, Saskatchewan & Youth Engagement Workshop

…on Youth Engagement. Eco-Village Tour of Craik, Saskatchewan Craik Saskatchewan is one of Canada’s leaders in sustainability. The small town boasts an Eco-Village, an Eco-Centre, a community-wide composting and recycling…

2011 Book Launch – Resiliency: Cool Ideas for Locally-Elected Leaders

…as well as First Nation community planning and citizenship theory. The Columbia Institute fosters inclusive, sustainable communities by nurturing strong local leadership, working with shareholders on responsible investing, and building…

COVID-19: Measures municipalities are taking to move forward

Prepared by Thea Sample with Aidan Shirley. As we navigate through these uncertain times, the Columbia Institute remains committed to providing resources and information for good civic governance. We encourage…